Thursday, January 15, 2009

My very merry christmas and wonderful start to 2009.
I went to Rokeby (other end of Tasmania) to look after SIL & her 9 kids for christmas as her hubby had to work, she has a thyroid problem (took cancerous bit out few years ago) that is playing up & causing havoc with her latest pregnancy (contraception doesnt always work) anyway due to issues there I stayed longer to mediate, wean the baby & destress SIL, so daymo being thoughtful attempted suicide whilst i had 9 kids & no adult at home (sent her out once I had nephew weaned), so I despatched ambulance from afar & my sis went to read riot act to him. He is now of opinion cos mum didnt jump she doesnt love him, actually she is practising a touch of tough love that may get tougher if he keeps it up. he is getting plenty of attention from his grandparents who are taking him to drs etc tho he signed himself out of hospital before they put him in psych ward. If said grandparents hadnt agreed to pick him up maybe he would be in psych ward getting some sort of help. I had two friends die just after christmas cancer & old age .Then a scammer advised us that a friend who is ill had died & it was a bit much & the old waterworks exploded. They havent done that for over 20 years. The demon child (ok he is nearly 25 with mental age ranging between 2 and 17 ish) decided he needed to borrow money off me (thats the mum who doesnt love him) so invited me to tea where he is staying but I declined cos not fit to drive today. He actually bought tea over to me which was nice, got me to do forms for the dna test of his probable son & take photo of him to go on said form & left saying you will find a JP to sign the forms on thursday for me mum. I am very close to finding a shell to climb into except he would find me. Havent bothered to tell him my kidneys functioning at 25 - 35% of normal, didnt see the point. He will figure it out if I drop dead (no thats not happening soon they work just really slow & have to be monitored forever.) The good news maybe is gf mum is in harness to help her walk, I gather that hospital must think she will make enough of a recovery to be released at some stage, tho i don't think daymo & gf understand it may be with a fairly major disability similar to stroke damage. I presume she is off ventalator now. I may well disappear again as SIL is on weekly visits/blood tests til April when bub is due & hubby cant get time off so when labour starts I will be going down to babysit, I've suggested Easter would be convenient tho baby not due til 25th. I'm supposed to be relaxing & learning to PSP well I guess I can hope for miracles in the next week or two. It was quieter at Rokeby with 9 kids. At least TAFE/Polytechnic doesn't start til Feb but I was supposed to catch up on some stuff I didn't finish last year but with the changes the computer system is down for student. There endeth todays vent.
December 2008
I forgot to post in December, I went down south to my sister for a quiet relaxing weekend in the first week of December. Sadly while we are down there daymo's gf mum had major car crash and ended up in ICU. So my quiet weekend was spent sitting in ICU waiting room holding belongings while the family went in & out to visit her. Prognosis was not good as there was swelling on the brain & she ended up with an infection in the brain. She also has broken vertebrae & sternum. She has been placed on a ventalator & in an induced coma.

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